elephant itself performs the last rites of its children it does this work after their death

Like humans, animals also perform the last rites of their loved ones when they die. Today we are going to tell you about the elephant, which performs the last rites of its beloved companion or child when it dies. Yes, it may sound a bit strange, but elephants also perform the last rites of their children and mates. Not only this, elephants also cry at the funeral. Know how elephants perform the last rites of their child.

elephants cry

Like humans, elephants also cry at the funeral of their child. Let us tell you that elephants bury the corpse of their child or their partner when they die. However, elephants especially take children for burial, because big elephants weigh more, so elephants are not able to carry them. During this time, elephants are also seen crying. Because they have empathy and feelings.

cremated like humans

Elephants perform the last rites of their children like humans. Older elephants bury dead elephant babies in the soil. Not only this, during this time all the nearby elephants are also present there. It has been found in many researches that elephants bury their babies in the soil.

watch the video

A video was shared on social media a few years ago. In which it is seen that some elephants are taking their baby for the last rites. It can be seen in the video that an elephant is walking ahead carrying a dead elephant’s calf. Many other elephants are also following him. Looking at the video, it is believed that the mother elephant is walking ahead carrying her dead child. Indian Forest Service officer Parveen Kaswan shared this video and wrote, “This will make you emotional. Tearful elephants are carrying their dead baby for the last rites. The elephant family does not want to separate their baby.”

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